Choose Big or Be Small

Choose Big or Be Small

People of substance become so by choosing to be bigger. We all have a choice to live big or live small.Think of it like a grape. A grape and the seeds it contains can either grow (by putting out roots and vines, and producing more fruit) or it can become a raisin —...
The Discipline to Focus

The Discipline to Focus

One of my favorite quotes is “Discipline equals freedom” (from Jocko Willink). As a leader you must be disciplined to focus on the few things that will help the team win. Instead of focusing on what is wrong and not working, focus on what must be in place. The former...
Purpose: A Nugget from a Classic

Purpose: A Nugget from a Classic

Victor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” is one of those classics that I have just gotten around to reading.  What a gem.  While the book in part relates Dr. Frankl’s experience in a Nazi concentration camp, the book primarily deals...