by Gary Covert | Mar 22, 2017 | ALPHA Performance, Personal Leadership
It is ironic that the times when we most need internal resources (e.g. creativity, perspective, drive, vision, resolve) are often times when our access to those resources can be most impeded. I think of this disparity as the Zone of Irony. Common situations include:...
by Gary Covert | Oct 3, 2016 | ALPHA Performance, Leadership, Personal Leadership
Or when the belly of a whale feels like a good choice. Maslow had a way with words. He is most famous for the Hierarchy of Needs. My vote is for the Jonah Complex. According to Wikipedia the Jonah complex is the fear of success which prevents self-actualization, or...
by Gary Covert | Sep 8, 2016 | ALPHA Performance, Personal Leadership
An interview on NPR* brought to mind that some of the best advice often at first blush seems to be so ridiculous. The advice bites, but there is a nugget of truth that grabs the attention. The interviewee is an author who was describing that the best way to keep...
by Gary Covert | Sep 1, 2016 | ALPHA Performance, Personal Leadership
Future progress requires letting go of perfection today. Expecting to be perfect right now doesn’t leave space for experimentation. We need experimentation to be a learner. When I was studying Japanese I was the best student in my class: all A’s, good at...
by Gary Covert | Apr 5, 2016 | ALPHA Performance, Personal Leadership
Chemistry matters when it comes to personal power (and by extension) personal presence. In her excellent book on the subject of presence, Amy Cuddy highlights some interesting research on the role of two hormones (testosterone and cortisol) and feeling powerful.... by Gary Covert | Jul 3, 2014 | Business Development, Personal Leadership, Uncategorized
As we celebrate Independence Day I am reminded about the values that make our country great. Independence is obviously at the top of the list. Freedom of expression, liberty, the right to pursue our happiness…these are all a set of guiding values that have made our...
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