by Gary Covert | Jun 4, 2023 | Innovation, Leadership, Productivity
Imagine being in a room full of CEOs and business leaders gathered to hear from a presenter. The presenter, wanting to get a feel for opinions in the room asks you to use your phone to read a QR code and go to a site and answer questions related to the topic and see...
by Gary Covert | Feb 9, 2023 | Innovation, Leadership, Productivity
I love my noise-cancelling headphones. They are great at screening out miscellaneous noises and distracting conversations. They make air travel much more enjoyable because they help me to focus, relax, and be more productive. Helping teams tune out the noise is an...
by Gary Covert | Feb 3, 2023 | Leadership, Productivity
My daughter likes to make little origami cranes for people and leave them where they can find them later. It is her way of sharing her positivity and kindness. Her grandmother saves all of them and over the years they nearly fill a drawer. People like to receive these...
by Gary Covert | Jan 23, 2023 | Leadership, Productivity
Japan has the tradition of a deep “spring cleaning” that occurs at the beginning of the New Year. During that time, they clean everything in the house. Every nook and cranny of a typical house is scrubbed, dusted, and refreshed. (Marie Kondo is famous in the US, but...
by Gary Covert | Jan 23, 2023 | Business Development, Leadership, Productivity
While I have come to love the efficiency of email and remote meetings (Zoom and Teams), there really are some big benefits to being in-person and to which leaders should pay attention. These include: Quick and efficient relationship building. You can give and get a...
by Gary Covert | Jan 16, 2023 | Leadership, Productivity
From the many CEOs I am honored to interact with, I get to see many examples of success habits.Here are three such habits I was reminded of this week:Move fast. One CEO I met, shared that they started their winery in the middle of the pandemic, built up production,...
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