The author of the book Atomic Habits (highly recommended) makes a distinction between being in motion and being in action.

Being in motion means planning, preparing and strategizing. These are the things that need to be done in order to take the correct actions.

Being in action means doing the tasks that will get the desired results.

Motion can make us feel good because we are not just sitting around. We are taking steps to move forward. But I think we can all admit to times when there was too much motion and not enough action.

Action are those activities that are going to get new and different results.

People can make the point that you need good plans to take the right actions. That’s true.

It is also true that many good plans have withered on the vine because of too much planning and not enough decisive and effective action.

So firm up your plans and then quickly get into action. The world needs the better future you are envisioning. Don’t make it wait.