It is over-seeding season for the golf course behind our house. The crews are busy with the many horticultural tasks required to get the course in good condition for the winter season.

The seeding season is a reminder that it is important to take time to refresh if leaders want to enjoy new seasons of growth in their business.

Below are Six suggestions that will help you refresh and prepare to grow:

Take regular vacations. Both the time away and exposure to new locales will give insight and perspective that you can apply.

Get outside inspiration. One CEO I know sent senior leaders out to see what other businesses similar to hers (but not competing in her geography) to share insights and trends.

Get some recovery. Taking time away from the office does not automatically translate into quality downtime. Plan to turn things off so you can rest your mind.

Celebrate the wins. Don’t be in such a rush to plan the next goal. Take time to plan meaningful celebrations of past successes with your team. The boost of enthusiasm and engagement will come in handy for the next challenge.

Refresh your strategy. Strategy is a framework by which the team sees a path to better results. It is not a straight jacket. Take a fresh look at your objectives and methods and make prudent adjustments.

Align your team. There is no limit to how aligned a team can be and the beneficial results that come from that alignment. Get clear about your organization’s most important number, purpose, vision, behaviors, KPIs, milestones, and the like. Positive energy will be released and actions to move forward will be reasonable and effective.

There are many things that need to be done to take your business to the next level. But don’t neglect to take time to refresh. It will make the work more effective and enjoyable.