I was struck by some thinking that was presented in a webinar hosted recently by my colleague, Nancy MacKay, and thought I would share it with you.

Her topic was LOVE (yes, love) and how is can be a game-changer in our businesses. I was a little skeptical, but now…well, color me converted.

Most of us are familiar with the idea that people want to do business with people that they know, trust and like. That’s a good place to start. Many transactions get done at that level.

But what if we aspire to be transformational? What if we want to be a truly inspirational leader? Then we need to step it up and move from like to love. In the context of business this means expressing our authentic passion…for our business, for our people and for our community.

To what extent are you being a person that people know, trust and love? To what extent are you surrounding yourself with people that you know, trust and love?

Some recommendations from Nancy to put the power of love to work for you in business:

  • Connect or reconnect with your passion. Why do you do what you do?
  • Master your time* so that you focus your day on making the difference you want to see.
  • Express your strengths and what you love to do and minimize/eliminate time on the rest.
  • Surround yourself with people that you know, trust, and love and who can be game-changers in your life (spouse/partner, peers, experts, team…)
  • Show your passion through what you work on, how you talk about it, and how you interact with others.

Connecting with others in a spirit of love and purpose can be a complete game-changer. It makes us better people. It makes us better leaders. It can transform our teams and companies. It can make us people that inspire others and even inspire ourselves. Give it try. I’d “love” to hear how that worked out for you.

*In the spirit of making your labors less laborious, I would suggest you take a couple minutes and watch this video from Nancy regarding Time Mastery.