My wife surprised me with the suggestion that we should start running in the mornings. I was surprised because she hates running. Plus it was April Fool’s Day. Turns out she wasn’t kidding.
So for 21 days we are committed to run a mile each morning.
The distance is not that great (we could run more than a mile if we had to), but the point is that we are committed to doing something positive together over time. It is a good example of the twin success tactics of consistency and working together.
Too many leaders tend to forget these and end up doing the opposite. They end up doing something sporadically and/or try to go it alone.
When leaders do this, strategy and new ideas don’t’ get the input and traction needed to succeed. New initiatives can be dismissed by the team as merely another “flavor of the month.” Good team habits can slip by the wayside.
So think about some things this week that would benefit from more consistency with the team. These might include things like having an agenda for each meeting, starting and ending meetings on time, or updating action items in advance of meetings.
Pick one area for improvement with the team and commit to keeping it as a habit over a fixed period of time. Three weeks, one month, or 45 days should work well.
It’s easy to get into habits of mediocrity. Commit to making some changes that matter and see them through over a manageable timeline. If you do, I bet that you and your team will end up going further than you thought you might.
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