One of the key success disciplines of any team is the ability to get the right things done in a timeframe that matters.This discipline is called Speed of Implementation.

Speed is POWERFUL.

In fact, with the world we live in today, SPEED is the new BIG.

Remember: Bullets are powerful because they are FAST, not because they are BIG.

Technology allows even small companies and teams to move fast. For example, teams can quickly find and market to ideal clients, shave time off workflows, and even generate their own prototypes.

WITH speed an organization can:

  • Dominate a space
  • Deliver new products and services to maximize relevance with customers
  • Create wow experiences for customers, partners, and employees
  • And so much more

But unfortunately all the technology in the world won’t do any good if leaders and teams fail to embrace speed as a discipline. The harsh reality is that teams that implement more good ideas faster will win over those that do not.

Speed can be your superpower. Work as a team to move quickly and implement your good ideas. I have never met a team that didn’t have a lot of good ideas. But I have seen teams that are slow to execute. The key is to turn ideas into action. What is more valuable: having an idea or implementing an idea? PLUS (in addition to getter better results faster) you will also be creating an environment that will be more fun and exciting for all involved.

I guarantee, the faster you and your team embrace the discipline of speed of implementation, the more fun and success you’re going to have.

Don’t wait. Get after it.

And if you want to learn more about this Success Discipline, check out Speed of Implementation, part of the Team Success Series.